Solar Panels
Our Gazipur Factory has an installed solar power generation capacity of 1030 KWP. On Average over twenty years, this system generates 92,700 KWh per month which saves us around Tk 903,825 per month and reduces CO2 emissions by 53.766 Tons a month.
Our Nandigram Factory has an installed solar power generation capacity of 1758.99 KWP. On Average over twenty years, this system generates 158,309.10 KWh per month which saves us around Tk 1,543,513.73 per month and reduces CO2 emissions by 91.819 Tons a month.
Our Shahjahanpur Factory has an installed solar power generation capacity of 1513.41 KWP. This system generates 136,206.9 KWh per month which saves us around Tk 1,328,017.28 per month and reduces CO2 emissions by 79 Tons a month.
Quality Printing Packaging Limited
Our Bag Production Factory (QPPL) has an installed solar power generation capacity of 416 KWP. On average over twenty years, this system generates 37440 KWh per month which saves us around Tk 365,040 per month and reduces CO2 emissions by 21.7 Tons a month.
Our Breeder Farm (QBL) has an installed solar power generation capacity of 402 KWP. On average over 20 years, this system generates 36,180 KWh per month which saves us around Tk 352,755 per month and reduces CO2 emissions by 20.98 Tons a month.
Quality Integrated Agro Limited
Our Food Processing Factory (QIAL) has an installed solar power generation capacity of 253 KWP. On average over 6 years, this system generates 22,770 KWh per month which saves us around TK 222,007 per month and reduces CO2 emissions by 13.20 Tones a month.